About Us

Criminalfraud.com has been designed by Fraud Consultants as an informational site that will help Consumers and Businesses alike in the prevention of fraud.
Fraud is one of the fastest growing Industries in the World; Organized Crime is taking advantage of our Global Economies in ways that we had never considered. When technology grew in North America so too did the level of fraud, costing billions annually.
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It doesn't matter whether you are a consumer, a landlord, you run a business, work in a bank or you are a government employee. Everybody is affected and everybody should be concerned and do something to prevent fraud in your own environment.
In all frauds three factors come into play: (1) a need for cash (often enhanced because of an addiction), (2) rationalization (misguided justification for committing the fraud) and (3) an opportunity (a chance to commit fraud without being caught).
A "typical" perpetrator of fraud could be a long-serving and trusted employee with no previous criminal history, a married male with a higher than average education. Fraudsters do not walk around with signs painted on their foreheads - they could be the person next to you.
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Did you Know?
Fraud is a billion dollar a year Industry in North America, and it is increasing at a phenomenal rate each year. Educating yourself about fraud types can change the odds: don't be a Fraud Victim!